Working together with historians and educators at Museene i Akershus, we have researched and developed an immersive learning virtual reality simulation that lets you experience life as a prisoner at Grini.

During WWII, Grini was the largest German prison camp in Norway.

Focusing on reflection and sympathy, Valgets Kval aims to bring to light the hardships of unlawfully imprisoned people at Grini.

Immersive storytelling in Virtual Reality breathes life into our historic past, enabling learning through empathy and insight. Understanding and learning from our past is crucial to making sure history does not repeat itself.

«Breach har vært en kompetent og profesjonell, men samtidig lydhør og fleksibel, samarbeidspartner – en nødvendighet i et innovativt og kreativt arbeid som en VR-produksjon innebærer.»

- Grinimuseet desember 2022